We are proud to have 121 videos on our You Tube page. You can click on the link at the bottom of this page for a direct link to our Slovenian Style Polka videos. Above that link is a list of the bands we have that make up the 121 videos on our page.
Al Battistelli: circa mid 1980's- 1 video
Art Perko: circa mid 1980's- 1 video
Bob Kravos and the Boys in the Band: circa 2005- 1 video, circa 2003- 4 videos
Brian Papesh Band: circa 2019, 3 videos
Del Sinchak Band, circa 2010: 6 videos
Dick Tady and the DTO, circa 2011: 5 videos
Don Wojtila Band: circa 1980's: 6 videos
Don Wojtila Show Band: circa early 1990's: 1 video
Eddie Rodick: circa 1991: 5 videos
Eric Noltkamper (and some with Nancy Noltkamper): circa 2012: 4 videos
Frankie Spetich Orchestra: circa 1998: 6 videos
Garrett Tatano Band: circa 2024: 5 videos
Gaylord Klancnik: circa mid 1980's: 1 video
George Staiduhar: circa 2003: 5 videos, circa 2011: 9 videos
Jeff Pecon Orchestra: circa 1995: 5 videos, circa 2002: circa 2009: 1 video, 4 videos, circa 2016: 4 videos
Joe Fedorchak Orchestra: circa 2003: 2 videos
Joey Tomsick and the JTO: circa 1990: 1 video, circa 2010: 4 videos
John Detelich: circa mid 1980's: 2 videos
Johnny Vadnal at the PHOF Awards Show: 1994???: 1 video
Johnny Vadnal: circa mid 1980'2: 3 videos
Klancnik and Friends (some with Frankie Spetich Sr.): circa 2008: 9 videos
Klancnik Brothers Orchestra: circa mid 1980's: 1 video
Magic City Button Box Showcase: various years: 5 videos
Polka Hall of Fame All Stars: circa 1996: 3 videos
Rex Taneri Band: circa 2024: 1 video
Skovenski Family Band: 2016: 1 video
Steve Meisner: 2017: 2 videos
Wayne Tomsic Combo: circa 2010: 4 videos
Zolka Brothers Band: circa 1991: 5 videos