Jeff Winard * Wisconsin's Jeff Winard's latest site gives you information on his band and the chance to purchase GREAT recordings.
 * Please visit this talented musicians website for information and go to our "Shows" page, scroll to the bottom and see other sites with videos and information on Tom
Al Battistelli * Accordion vituoso, Al Battistelli, has a magnificent website that will keep you interested for hours.
Mike Schneider *The Mike Schneider Band is one of the great, young bands in Wisconsin.  Mike has won many awards and will continue to do so in the polka field.  Check out our new recordings page for his latest release. This CD shows his many talents outside of Polkas, as well.
Steve Meisner * The son of a legend, Steve Meisner has made quite a name for himself in the polka industry.  Stay up to date with all of the happenings in Wisconsin and when Steve's Legacy Band makes it to the Penn-Ohio area, we will let you know.  This site also gives you a chance to look at information about the late Verne Mesiner.
Johnny Koenig * Another young man who has entered the polka industry is Johnny Koenig.  Johnny is taking polkas to new places and you can follow all of his endeavors through his website.  Also, buy his CD's if you don't have them in your polka library.
Klancnik and Friends *Eddie Klancnik carries on the tradition started by his father, Gaylord, with this new band.  Also information available about Eddie's recording studio.  This website is one of the best in the polka field.
Eric Noltkamper * Eric Noltkamper plays with many bands, including his own, and has many recordings.  Stay up to date with Eric by visiting his site.
Kevin Solecki *Another fine, young musician who plays the Slovenian style polka, and other styles as well.  Kevin has also been nominated for a Grammy.
Jack Tady *Another Polka Hall of Famer, Jack Tady, has this site that tells you about his band and his radio show out of Pennsylvania
Johnny Koenig on MTV * Johnny Koenig has a webpage on MTV.  Click on the link to take a look.
Joey Tomsick Orchestra * Celebrating his many years with the JTO, Joey Tomsick has a great site where you can check out many things about his fabulous band.  Joey has also launched a new and improved website that is dynamite.
Alex Meixner *This young man has performed with many bands and many polka styles.  Check out how much Alex plays our music throughout the country.  
Alaska Button Box Gang  *In January, 2010 we received three CD's from the Alaska Button Box Gang and learned a lot about this group from their website.  Take a look for yourself and you can order their discs from this site, as well.
Mike Wojtila and Musically Grand   *Mike Wojtila is a gifted musician from the well-known Wojtila family.  This website gives you information on playing performances, band and group members, and other relevant information on Mike and his different musical performances.  Click on the name for a direct link to his website or call him at 440-279-4452 or email him at
Mike Surratt and the Continentals *Mike Surratt and the Continentals are an excellent band from Maryland with a very good website.  Take a look and also order Mike's new CD, "Fearless".
Denny Anderson and the International Main Street Polka Band  *This fine group, with four great musicians (Denny Anderson, Eric Noltkamper, David Austin and Chris Doszak), have a great site where you can see where they are playing and order their Awesome recordings.  This group also has some of the best yodelers around.  
Alaska Polka Chips and Marge Ford  *Marge Ford and her button box group from Alaska are doing a fantastic job in the land of the midnight sun promoting our style of music.  Go to their website for information on Marge, the group, their recordings and tours they host.  You will not be disappointed.
Perpetuum Jazzile  *We just found information about this fantastic vocal group from Slovenia.  Look forward to hearing some of their music on our shows in the future.
Fritz's Polka Band *Fritz's Polka Band is the premiere polka band in New York.  Out of Verona, New York, they have been playing the Cleveland-style for over 32 years.  Check out this comprehensive website for more information.
The Polka Maestre Band *A band that is new to us.  We can't wait to get their music on our show.  For more information, call 905-277-8555 or visit their website at:, they also have a YouTube page at:  https:/

Prime Time Polka Show * Jerry Zagar has one of the most comprehensive sites about Cleveland-Style Polkas, and archived radio broadcasts
Wisconsin Polka Parade Radio Show * Go to this site to hear radio shows from some of the best polka DJ's in Wisconsin.  You are sure to enjoy their shows.
Polka Spotlight Show with Joe Godina *Go to this site every Sunday morning from 7-9 AM to hear Joe's show on WGRP, Greenville, Pennsylvania.  This is just one of Joe's many fine shows.  He also is heard on 24/7 Polka Heaven every week, with a new show premiering every Saturday at 4:00 PM Eastern time.

Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame * This site is the home of the National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame in Euclid, Ohio.  Many links to CD's and history.
You Tube Videos from Joe Godina * Pennsylvania DJ, Joe Godina, gives you some excellent videos on this page.  From "Golden Oldies" to present productions, enjoy these videos courtesy of this excllent polka promoter.
You Tube Video of Ron Sluga * A great video, oldie but goodie, of Ron Sluga on the banjo.
Polkas from the Netherlands * The best polka website from the Netherlands featuring Cleveland-Style information.
Peppermint Records * Peppermint Records is one of the premier polka recording studios in the country.  Gary Rhamy and Del Sinchak are the two guys to see at  Peppermint.
Polka Connection *An excellent website for you to buy your Polka CD's (all styles).  This site also has many of the hard to find discs for you.
International Polka Associaton *This is the site for the International Polka Associaton, promoting polka music of all styles.  Stop by and take a look.

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This page was last updated: December 29, 2023