Looking for something fun to do that involves dancing or music? Then this is the place to come and see where your favorite musicians are playing and what events (mostly polka, but not all) are happening. If you want us to publish your event or schedule, go to the "NEWS" page for contact information, and get your news to us.
APRIL 1, 2:00 PM: Polka Jam Session at FOP Lodge at Wolter Park, Akron, Ohio
APRIL 2, 5:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Keg Tapping at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
ARPIL 2, 5:30 PM: Joey Tomsick and the Shotski's at Keg Tapping at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 2, 6:00 PM: Mikey Dee at Portogallo Peppers N'At, Braddock, Pennsylvania
APRIL 2, 7:00 PM: Grkman Duo at Keg Tapping at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 4, 2:00 PM: Polka Jam Session at Historic Slovene Party Center, Barberton, Ohio
APRIL 4, 5:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 4, 6:30 PM: Joey Tomsick and the Shotski's at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 4, 7:00 PM: Anthony Culkar Band at Fish Fry at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 5, 1:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 5, 4:30 PM: Aaron Dussing and Polka Revolution at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 5, 5:30 PM: Mike Schneider (SOLO) at Bavarian Bierhaus, Glendale, Wisconsin
APRIL 5, 6:00 PM: Joey Tomsick and the Shotski's at Lions Mane Event Oktoberfest at NDCL High School, Chardon, Ohio
APRIL 5, 6:00 PM: Barefoot Becky Trio at Elks Club, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
APRIL 5, 7:00 PM: Grkman Duo at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 5, 8:00 PM: Brian Papesh Party Band at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 6, 1:00 PM: Fred Ziwich and the ISM at No Snow Celebration at Historic Slovene Party Center, Barberton, Ohio
APRIL 6, 1:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 6, 1:00 PM: Barefoot Becky Trio at Pla Mor Ballroom, Glencoe, Minnesota
APRIL 6, 1:00 PM: Steve Meisner Legacy Band at IPA Sunday Funday at Townline Pub and Grille, Suamico, Illinois
APRIL 6, 1:00 PM: Carol and the Keynotes at Hustisford Coumminty Hall, Hustisford, Wisconsin
APRIL 6, 2:00 PM: Garrett Tatano Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Kersey Firemen's Club, Kersey, Pennsylvania
APRIL 6, 2:00 PM: Aaron Dussing and Max on Sax at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 8, 2:00 PM: Polka Jam Session at FOP Lodge at Wolter Park, Akron, Ohio
APRIL 9, 6:00 PM: Mikey Dee at Portogallo Peppers N'At, Braddock, Pennsylvania
APRIL 10, 7:00 PM: Mike Schneider (SOLO) at Old German Beer Hall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
APRIL 11, 2:00 PM: Polka Jam Session at Historic Slovene Party Center, Barberton, Ohio
APRIL 11, 5:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 11, 5:30 PM: Ryan Kautzer (SOLO) at Al & Al's Steinhouse Friday Fish Fry, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
APRIL 11, 6:30 PM: Joey Tomsick and the Shotski's at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 11, 7:00 PM: The Zolkas at Friday Fish Fry at Collingwood Center, Campbell, Ohio
APRIL 12, 1:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 12, 1:00 PM: Frank Spetich Orchestra at Val's Saturday Polka Dance at American Legion 432, Sharon, Pennsylvania. $15.00 admission at the door. Ethnic Food available
APRIL 12, 2:00 PM: Fred Mlakar, Frank Rote & Friends at California SNPJ Day revival cohosted by Orange Coast Lodge 786 and Fontana Lodge 723 at the Phoenix Club, 375 W. Brea, Calif. Admission $10 per person. Advance-paid reservations highly recommended and due April 1
APRIL 12, 4:30 PM: Aaron Dussing and Polka Revolution at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 12, 5:30 PM: Culkar/Golob Band at Edelweiss Masquerade Ball at German Family Society, Brimfield, Ohio. For more information, call or text Diane by April 7 at 330-309-9486
APRIL 12, 7:00 PM: Grkman Duo at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 12, 7:00 PM: Chardon Polka Band at American Legion Post 151, Conneaut, Ohio
APRIL 12, 7:00 PM: Brewhaus Polka Kings at Essen Haus, Madison, Wisconsin
APRIL 12, 8:00 PM: Schnickelfritz at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 13, 1:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 13, 2:00 PM: Garrett Tatano Band at Prime Time Polkas 28th Anniversary Dance at Yukon Slovenian Home, Yukon, Pennsylvania
APRIL 13, 2:00 PM: Aaron Dussing and Max on Sax at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 13, 3:00 PM: Fred Ziwich and the ISM at Ohio Polka Boosters Club Dance at Kalida K of C Hall, Kalida, Ohio
APRIL 13, 4:00 PM: Chardon Polka Band at Westside Bowl, Youngstown, Ohio
APRIL 13, 6:00 PM: Barefoot Becky Trio at Legion Hall, Oxford Junction, Iowa
APRIL 15, 2:00 PM: Polka Jam Session at FOP Lodge at Wolter Park, Akron, Ohio
APRIL 16, 6:00 PM: Mikey Dee at Portogallo Peppers N'At, Braddock, Pennsylvania
APRIL 18, 5:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 18, 7:00 PM: David Austin Band at Essen Haus, Madison, Wisconsin
APRIL 19, 1:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 19, 4:30 PM: Aaron Dussing and Polka Revolution at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 19, 7:00 PM: David Austin Band at Essen Haus, Madison, Wisconsin
APRIL 19, 7:00 PM: Grkman Duo at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 19, 8:00 PM: Brian Papesh Party Band at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 20, 1:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 21, TBA: Frank Moravcik Orchestra at Dyngus Day Celebration at Great Lakes Brewing Company, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 21, TBA: Visinata Band at Dyngus Day Celebration at the Southside, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 21, 10:30 AM: Fred Ziwich and the ISM at Dyngus Day Celebration at Gordon Green Outdoor Stage, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 21, 10:30 AM: Chardon Polka Band at Dyngus Day Celebration at Happy Dog Street Stage, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 21, 11:00 AM: Fritz's Polka Band at Dyngus Day Celebration at Batavia Downs, Batavia, New York
APRIL 21, 1:30 PM: Eddie Rodick Band at Dyngus Day Celebration at Happy Dog Street Stage, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 21, 4:00 PM: Mollie B and Squeezebox Band at Dyngus Day Celebration at Polish Center of Wisconsin, Franklin, Wisconsin
APRIL 21, 4:00 PM: Frank Moravcik Orchestra at Dyngus Day Celebration at Forest City Brewery, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 21, 5:00 PM: Penn Ohio Polka Pals Dyngus Day Celebration at DiLucia's, Warren, Ohio. Music provided by The Ron Pivovar Band, followed by Walter Ostanek and his Polka All-Stars. Admission is $15.00 (includes fabulous food, compliments of DiLucia's), 50/50 raffle, cash bar, no BYOB. For more information, call Gary Rhamy at 330-783-2222
APRIL 21, 6:00 PM: Fritz's Polka Band at Dyngus Day Celebration at O'Brien's West Side Inn, Hamburg, New York
APRIL 21, 6:00 PM: The Heritage Band at Dyngus Day Celebration/ Polkas on the Patio at Portogallo Peppers N'At, Braddock, Pennsylvania
APRIL 22, 2:00 PM: Polka Jam Session at FOP Lodge at Wolter Park, Akron, Ohio
APRIL 23, 6:00 PM: Alex Meixner at Krause's Biergarten and Cafe, New Braunfels, Texas
APRIL 23, 6:00 PM: Mikey Dee at Portogallo Peppers N'At, Braddock, Pennsylvania
APRIL 24, 7:00 PM: Mike Schneider (SOLO) at Old German Beer Hall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
APRIL 25, 26, 27, VARIOUS TIMES: Alex Meixner at Muenster Germanfest at Heritage Park, Muenster, Texas
APRIL 25, TBA: Chardon Polka Band at Maple Fest at Chardon Square, Chardon, Ohio
APRIL 25, 2:00 PM: Polka Jam Session at Historic Slovene Party Center, Barberton, Ohio
APRIL 25, 5:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 25, 6:30 PM: Barefoot Becky Duo at La Crosse Bierhaus, La Crosse, Wisconsin
APRIL 25, 7:00 PM: Gary Beal Band at Essen Haus, Madison, Wisconsin
APRIL 26, 1:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 26, 1:00 PM & 6:30 PM: Barefoot Becky Duo at La Crosse Bierhaus, La Crosse, Wisconsin
APRIL 26, 4:30 PM: Fritz's Polka Band at Dyngus Day Celebration at Polska Chata, Rochester, New York
APRIL 26, 4:30 PM: Aaron Dussing and Polka Revolution at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 26, 7:00 PM: Gary Beal Band at Essen Haus, Madison, Wisconsin
APRIL 26, 7:00 PM: Grkman Duo at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 27, 1:00 PM: Benefit Dance for Brian Novak with many bands, including The Polka Classics, Jack Tady, Blaise Cackovic, Eddie Rodick, Ed Wiernik & sons, Garrett Tatano and All Star Jam at Slovenian Hall, Yukon, Pennsylvania. Funds raised help Brian’s fight with cancer and related medical finances.
APRIL 27, 1:00 PM: Steve Grkman at Hofbrau Haus, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
APRIL 27, 1:00 PM: Barefoot Becky Band at Concordia Ballroom, La Crosse, Wisconsin
APRIL 27, 1:00 PM: Mollie B and Squeezebox Band at Rookie's Bar and Grill, Stevens Point, Wisconsin
APRIL 27, 1:00 PM: 41st Annual Super Button Box Bash and 90th Birthday Celebration for Walter Ostanek at American Croatian Lodge, Eastlake, Ohio. Featured artists include the Fairport Jammers, Don Wojtila and Walter's best musical guys and gals. Tickets are available at the Polka Hall of Fame for $12.00 in advance, $15.00 at the door
APRIL 27, 2:00 PM: The Heritage Band (with Jack Slagel) at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Wildwoods Bar & Grille, St. Mary's, Pennsylvania
APRIL 27, 2:00 PM: Aaron Dussing and Max on Sax at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
APRIL 27, 3:00 PM: Frank Moravcik Band at Bavarian Haus, Deshler, Ohio. This is a free admission dance. Come one, Come all! The public is welcome and invited to this free dance with a great band from Cleveland, Ohio. Doors open at 2:00 PM.
APRIL 29, 2:00 PM: Polka Jam Session at FOP Lodge at Wolter Park, Akron, Ohio
APRIL 30, 6:00 PM: Mikey Dee at Portogallo Peppers N'At, Braddock, Pennsylvania
APRIL 30, 7:00 PM: Alex Meixner at Lancaster Liederkranz German Cultural Club, Manheim, Pennsylvania
MAY 2, 6:30 PM: The Zolkas at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
MAY 4, 1:00 PM: Culkar/Golob Band at Historic Slovene Party Center, Barberton, Ohio
MAY 4, 2:00 PM: Frank Moravcik Orchestra at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Kersey Firemen's Club, Kersey, Pennsylvania
MAY 4, 3:00 PM: Fred Ziwich and the ISM at Bavrian Haus, Deshler, Ohio. Doors open at 2:00 PM
MAY 9, 5:30 PM: Ryan Kautzer (SOLO) at Al & Al's Steinhouse Friday Fish Fry, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
MAY 11, 5:00 PM: Ryan Kautzer Band at Mother's Day Dance at Croatian Cultural Club, Joliet, Illinois
MAY 17, NOON: Fifth Annual Music Festival at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio. Music provided by: Jeff Pecon, Don Wojtila, Eddie Rodick, Bob Kravos, Frank Moravcik, Joey Tomsick, Patty C & The Guys, Ron Likovic, Frank & Darryl Valencic, Culkar/Golob Band, The Zolkas, The Good Times Orchestra. Admission is $15.00 at the gate, gates open at 11:00 AM.
MAY 17, 1:00 PM: Culkar/Golob Band at at Val's Saturday Polka Dance at American Legion 432, Sharon, Pennsylvania. $15.00 admission at the door. Ethnic Food available
MAY 18, 2:00 PM: Culkar/Golob Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Wildwoods Bar & Grille, St. Mary's, Pennsylvania
MAY 18, 3:00 PM: Frank Moravcik Orchestra at Ohio Polka Boosters Club Dance at Kalida K of C Hall, Kalida, Ohio
MAY 24, 12:30 PM: Ryan Kautzer Band at 46th Annual Wisconsin State Polka Festival at Sterling Chalet, Richfield, Wisconsin
MAY 25, 1:00 PM: Zweifel Brothers Band at 46th Annual Wisconsin State Polka Festival at Sterling Chalet, Richfield, Wisconsin
MAY 26, 1:00 PM: Frank Stanger Orchestra and Frank Moravcik Orchestra at Memorial Day Picnic Party and Dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio.
MAY 31, 2:00 PM & 4:00 PM: The Zolkas at Johnstown Polkafest, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
MAY 31, 6:00 PM & 8:00 PM: The Don Wojtila Band at Johnstown Polkafest, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
JUNE 1, 1:00 PM & 3:00 PM: The Don Wojtila Band at Johnstown Polkafest, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
JUNE 1, 2:00 PM: Bill Bevec Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Kersey Firemen's Club, Kersey, Pennsylvania
JUNE 1, 3:00 PM: Eddie Rodick Band at Mentor Rotary Club Picnic at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio
JUNE 6, 8:00 PM: Patty C & The Guys at Slovenian Heritage Weekend in the Gostilna at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JUNE 21, TBA: Tom Brusky Trio at Jolly Mixers Dance Club, Clintonville, Wisconsin
JUNE 21, 1:00 PM: David Austin Band at Hustisford Community Hall, Hustisford, Wisconsin
JUNE 22, 2:00 PM: Bob Kravos and the Boys in the Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Wildwoods Bar & Grille, St. Mary's, Pennsylvania
JUNE 22, 3:00 PM: Culkar/Golob Band at Ohio Polka Boosters Club Dance at Kalida K of C Hall, Kalida, Ohio
JUNE 29, 3:00 PM: Don Wojtila Band at Loyalites Lodge 158 annual picnic at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio
JULY 4, 1:00 PM: Frank Stanger Band and Mike Wojtila Band at Fourth of July Holiday Picnic at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio
JULY 5, 1:00 PM: Culkar/Golob Band at SNPJ Lodge 643 picnic at Tod Park, Girard, Ohio, in the large pavilion. Admission is free for Lodge 643 members, $5 for non-members. Includes food and soft drinks. For details, contact Ray Kovac at (330) 824-2154
JULY 6, 2:00 PM: Frank Stanger Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Wildwoods Bar & Grille, St. Mary's, Pennsylvania
JULY 27, 2:00 PM: Dick Tady and the DTO at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Kersey Firemen's Club, Kersey, Pennsylvania
JULY 11, 5:00 PM & 7:00 PM: Klancnik and Friends on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 11, 6:00 PM, 8:00 PM & 10:00 PM: Don Wojtila Band on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 11, 6:30 PM: Mikey Dee in the Gostilna at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 11, 9:00 PM & 11:00 PM: Garrett Tatano Band on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 11, 9:00 PM: Patty C & The Guys in the Gostilna at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 12, TBA: David Austin Trio at Jolly Mixers Dance Club, Clintonville, Wisconsin
JULY 12, 1:00 PM: Jam Session Time in the Gostilna at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 12, 2:00 PM: Patty C & The Guys on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 12, 4:00 PM: Frank Stanger Orchestra, in the Alpine Room at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 12, 3:00 PM, 5:00 PM & 7:00 PM: The Polka Classics on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 12, 3:00 PM: Western Pa. Button Box Club in the Gostilna at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 12, 4:00 PM & 6:00 PM: The Zolkas on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 12, 5:00 PM: Polka Playmates in the Gostilna at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 12, 7:00 PM: Vince Rigler & His Polka Pals in the Gostilna at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 12, 8:00 PM & 10:00 PM: Ron Likovic and Friends on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 12, 9:00 PM & 11:00 PM: Klancnik and Friends on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 12, 9:00 PM: Mike and Dan Wojtila in the Gostilna at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 13, 1:00 PM: Jam Session Time in the Gostilna at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 13, 1:00 PM & 3:00 PM: Garrett Tatano Band on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 13, 2:00 PM & 4:00 PM: Veseli Fantje on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 13, 2:30 PM: Frank Moravcik Band in the Gostilna at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 13, 3:00 PM: Culkar/Golob Band in the Alpine Room at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 13, 5:00 PM & 7:00 PM: The Zolkas on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 13, 6:00 PM: Ron Likovic Band on the Outside Stage at Slovenefest at SNPJ Recreation Center, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania
JULY 20, 1:00 PM: Zweifel Brothers Band at Hustisford Community Hall, Hustisford, Wisconsin
JULY 20, 3:00 PM: Jeff Pecon Band 50th Anniversary Celebration with music by The Polka Classics, featuring Brian O'Boyle, at Cleveland Federation/Farm Board Picnic at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio
JULY 27, 2:00 PM: The Polka Classics at 14th annual Pretty in Pink fundraiser, hosted by the Westmoreland County Federation of SNPJ Lodges, at the Yukon Slovenian Hall, Yukon, Pennsylvania. Door prizes, 50/50 drawing, and basket drawings. Food and refreshments available for purchase. For details contact Lois Denning at (412) 554-7404
AUGUST 9, TBA: Garrett Tatano Band and other bands at The Winery at Springhill Polkafest, Geneva, Ohio. More information coming soon!
AUGUST 10, 2:00 PM: The Vagabonds at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Wildwoods Bar & Grille, St. Mary', Pennsylvania
AUGUST 17, 1:00 PM: The Mike Wojtila Band at Buckeye Road Nationality Reunion Picnic at Hungarian Cultural Center of Northeastern Ohio, Hiram, Ohio. Food, music and dancing, open to the public, gate admission is only $6.00.
AUGUST 17, 2:00 PM: The Polka Classics at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Picnic at Kersey Firemen's Club, Kersey, Pennsylvania
AUGUST 24, 3:00 PM: Penn Ohio Polka Pals Club Picnic at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio
AUGUST 29, 30, 31, VARIOUS TIMES: Various bands and musicians at Cleveland Oktoberfest at Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds, Berea, Ohio
AUGUST 31, 2:00 PM: Larry Lewicki at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Wildwoods Bar & Grill, St. Mary's, Pennsylvania
SEPTEMBER 1, 1:00 PM: Frank Stanger Band and The Zolkas Labor Day Holiday Picnic at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio.
SEPTEMBER 7, 2:00 PM: Frank Stanger Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Wildwoods Bar & Grille, St. Mary's, Pennsylvania
SEPTEMBER 13, NOON: Polka Hall of Fame Sausage Festival at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio
SEPTEMBER 14, 2:00 PM: Bob Kravos and the Boys in the Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Kersey Firmen's Club, Kersey, Pennsylvania
SEPTEMBER 21, 1:00 PM: Keith Gennerman Band at Hustisford Community Hall, Hustisford, Wisconsin
SEPTEMBER 21, 2:00 PM: The Zolkas at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Kersey Firemen's Club, Kersey, Pennsylvania
SEPTEMBER 21, 3:00 PM: Joey Tomsick and the JTO at Grape Festival at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio. Parade starts at 2:45 PM.
OCTOBER 5, 2:00 PM: Culkar/Golob Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Wildwoods Bar & Grille, St. Mary's, Pennsylvania
OCTOBER 7, 2:00 PM: Polka Jam Session at FOP Lodge at Wolter Park, Akron, Ohio
OCTOBER 11, TBA: Keith Gennerman Trio at Jolly Mixers Dance Club, Clintonville, Wisconsin
OCTOBER 12, 1:00 PM: Steve Meisner Legacy Band at Hustisford Community Hall, Hustisford, Wisconsin
OCTOBER 12, 2:00 PM: Dick Tady and the DTO at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Kersey Firemen's Club, Kersey, Pennsylvania
OCTOBER 19, 2:00 PM: Rex Taneri Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Kersey Firemen's Club, Kersey, Pennsylvania
NOVEMBER 2, 2:00 PM: The Skovenski Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Wildwoods Bar & Grille, St. Mary's, Pennslyvania
NOVEMBER 8, TBA: Jim Pekol Trio at Jolly Mixers Dance Club, Clintonville, Wisconsin
NOVEMBER 16, 1:00 PM: The Zolkas at Sunday Polka Dance at Historic Slovene Party Center, Barberton, Ohio
NOVEMBER 16, 2:00 PM: Bill Bevec Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Wildwoods Bar & Grille, St. Mary's, Pennsylvania
NOVEMBER 28, 29, VARIOUS TIMES: Thanksgiving Polka Weekend Celebration for the Polka Hall of Fame. More information coming soon!
NOVEMBER 30, 2:00 PM: Frank Moravcik Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Wildwoods Bar & Grille, St. Mary's, Pennsylvania
DECEMBER 6, TBA: Frank Moravcik Band at Ohio Polka Boosters Club Christmas Party at K of C Hall, Kalida, Ohio
DECEMBER 7, 2:00 PM: Larry Lewicki at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Dance at Kersey Firemen's Club, Kersey, Pennsylvania
DECEMBER 13, TBA: Carol & The Keynotes (DUO) at Jolly Mixers Dance Club, Clintonville, Wisconsin
DECEMBER 21, 2:00 PM: The Heritage Band at NCP Slovenian Polka Boosters Christmas Dance at Kersey Firemen's Club, Kersey, Pennsylvania
JANUARY7, 5:30 PM: Joey Tomsick and the Shotski's at Keg Tapping at Hofbrau Haus, Cleveland, Ohio
FEBRUARY 6, 7, 8, VARIOUS TIMES: Illinois Polka Festival at Hyatt Regency, Schaumburg, Illinois. More information on bands/musicians and rooms coming soon!
MARCH 3, 2:00 PM: Polka Jam Session at FOP Lodge at Wolter Park, Akron, Ohio
***Please check with the venue that is hosting the polka music to make sure the event is still happening. We update as often as we can, but some cancellations get past us, and the calendar doesn't reflect the change. We don't want you wasting time and money in gas going to a canceled event.***
***For any information on the Frank Spetich Jr. Orchestra, call Frank at 330-310-9619
***For any information on Brian Papesh Band, call Brian at 216-409-7663
***For any information on Wayne Tomsic Band, call Wayne at 440-526-1587 or email him at: clewayne@sbcglobal.net
***For any information on The Hobos, call Phil at 440-474-4344
***For any information on the Frank Stanger performances, call Frank at 330-338-6854 or Lynne at 724-787-9210
***For any information on the Jack Tady Band performances, call Jack at 724-715-7317
***For any information on the Bob Kravos performances, call Bob at 440-286-5556
***For any information on the Cleveland, Ohio Thanksgiving event, call the Polka Hall of Fame at 216-261-FAME
***For any information on the Fred Ziwich performances, call Fred at 440-734-2404